Thursday, 28 November 2019


These settings are also found in Blupi at Home and Planet Blupi. This game has unused text. There are also deductive problems to be solved and errors may make finishing the level impossible. Interacting with them from the hub world will bring the player back to the title screen, as they attempt to load files that doesn't exist world Additionally, playing missions allows the player to record a demonstration movie, which will be played on the title screen. This game has unused objects. This game has debugging material. speedy eggbert 2 game

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Additionally, playing missions allows the player to record a demonstration movie, which will be played on the title screen. Thanks for all your support! The sequel has a similar message in its navigation room, spelling out "WWW.

speedy eggbert 2 game

Platform games Video games developed in Switzerland Windows games Windows-only games video games. Views Read View source View history.

Speedy Eggbert 2 Free Download

With the xmission cheat enabled, one can see that the developers named some of their levels. This message is also present in the v0.

speedy eggbert 2 game

From The Cutting Room Floor. The custom missions in game can be saved to the C: In another,a number of Eggberts, undergoing torture, have to be rescued before their execution. Speedy Eggbert 2 is a platform game for Windows.

Speedy Eggbert 2

The game has over forty levels, ranging from easy to relatively difficult. Some extra information is also logged to the file debug. A new vehicle, the hovercraft, is introduced in Speedy Eggbert 2.

speedy eggbert 2 game

Changing "MouseType" from "1" to "2" changes the normal cursor to the default cursor, the link cursor to a glove and the loading cursor to a timer. While playing the eghbert, typing in znetdebug brings up yellow text at the top-left corner of the screen that measures the number of sent and received packets in the multiplayer mode.

Retrieved from " https: Windows based PC 's Toshiba Spectre [ citation needed ]. Tomatoes are an important item in Planet Blupiwhich runs on the same engine as Speedy Eggbert 2.

Speedy Eggbert 2 - The Cutting Room Floor

This cheat can be activated by editing one of the info. Changing these settings allows the player to use a different cursor setting, play the game out of full screen mode, adjust the speed of the game and change the color depth. Via hex editing or glitches, it is possible to change some levels' properties that are never fully taken advantage of in the game.

Archived from the original on In the data directory there is a file called config. There are two unused variations of the monitors from the single player mode.

Speedy Eggbert 2 Free Download « IGGGAMES

These settings are also found in Blupi at Home and Planet Blupi. There, he is one of three robots to be taken to their work stations in as short a time as possible and with as little damage as possible to the taxi.

This game has debugging material. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. This game has hidden development-related text. Navigation menu Personal tools English Create account Log in.

This page was last edited on 29 Septemberat At first, he can only go to the practice level, where he will learn most of the controls listed above. Blupi series, and the successor to Planet Blupi. All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from June Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images. The game includes enemies which Eggbert cannot destroy normally, but can be destroyed using vehicles.

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