Tuesday, 26 November 2019


I looks like a plug in problem with Netbeans too. Peter After installing, you have to go and force reindex of files to make it work. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Yes I'm also getting this on the "Hello world" example using Gradle and Netbeans. I explicitly included kotlin. intellij 14.1.5

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If you have Kotlin file within the same package and put there some classes and missed the package declaration it looks inside the IntelliJ that you have classes in the same package but without definition of package the IntelliJ 141.5 you: September 29, at 4: October 9, at 8: I looks like a plug in problem with Netbeans too.

Sign up using Email and Password. The Android Studio finds and import the path of package but the incompatibillity don't allow the build. In my case, it was a misconfigured IntelliJ instance.

September 25, at Clean -- Stop Netbeans -- Drop cache -- restart Netbeans -- rebuild! References resolved in my case. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.5 EAP 141.2311 is Available

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Nick Nick 1 1 gold badge 6 6 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. About Andrey Cheptsov Part-time dreamer. Proudly powered by WordPress.

A possible solution for standalone Kotlin projects is to include Kotlin standard libs explicitliy inside the root project. I have never worked on a Java project either. What Version of Kotlin plugin is installed? Post as a guest Name. But in the end after doing all this it still didn't work, but doing also removal from project build. Actually this make total sense, the reason why you get -ngt score is because you didn't explain it well.

intellij 14.1.5

Keep up the great work! As a JAR archive, the reference resolution ought to be kindergarten stuff.

intellij 14.1.5

I was running on either Which option inttellij you select in the Kotlin runtime dialog? Thanks for the info. So no problem on the surface. If you're using gradlefor instance:.

IntelliJ IDEA EAP is Available | IntelliJ IDEA Blog

September 24, at 3: Your email address will not be published. Email Required, but never shown. Active 3 years, 11 months ago.

Then ran a gradle clean build. Every JDK class gives a red indication in the editor window.

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