Tuesday, 26 November 2019


Although I've downloaded the feature pack I'm not going to install it. I just enjoy the "as it is". That's what I've been saying all along. I've only just installed it and it's nice to have the digital standby artificial horizon, so no more of the clacking sound you get with the old analogue one. Hundreds of liveries are available for FREE download. fs9 ifly feature pack

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Features Dozens of features make up this product. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site. Every switch, knob and lever is modelled in 3d and animated. Plus the competitors are also their customers so they get to come in and "touch" too. Is there a feature list somewhere? Hi, there is featute, at least not an extensive one explaining all the changes.

Shooting over there now to get it. The is nice and quiet now. I was looking for one myself but didn't find anything else than the IAN approach new capability. Classified, Want, Swap Ads. I'm going to hold off until the third party panel textures are updated or at least FS2crew is updated.

Yes, I'd like to know that too.

iFLY NG Feature Pack Edition (Add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X).

I was just teasing, at first glance it does indeed look pretty much the same, until you start poking around -a LOT of new stuff fw9 under, and deep under the hood. Archived This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. User error that one, I'm sure. The product has been tested by real NG pilots to help maintain the accuracy required for this simulation.

fs9 ifly feature pack

That's what I've been saying all along. They've put in s of hours of work to give us something over and above what we paid for in the first place. A couple of users have reported FPS issues if you don't use the new VC textures and from my brief flight over the Irish Sea I can also say that something going on in front of me was hitting the frames hard in a way I've never seen in fexture iFly as it was smooth as silk before.

fs9 ifly feature pack

Designed in close consultation with a real-world Captain, this new Edition of FS2Crew brings your iFly NG to life by adding an interactive flight, cabin and ground crew to the aircraft! Click Here For More Information! Leaving it to the user to just find out means they might miss a lot of things. Looking forward to discovering the rest of the changes feaature flight.

Flight1 File Library System » iFlyToFsuipc for iFly Feature Pack version! Now updated

Please Read Before Purchase. Featture aircraft model can be flown with an incredibly realistic virtual cockpit and with a level of systems simulation never seen before. I just enjoy the "as it is". Each can be flown with an incredibly realistic virtual cockpit and with a level of systems simulation never seen before.

In my opinion the iFly team deserve our thanks. Winds aloft forecast idly. And not installing it means they'll miss them all Aircraft performance calculated directly from flight model parameters.

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iFLY 737NG Feature Pack Edition (Add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X).

Systems and flight dynamics have been tested by real NG pilots to ensure that accuracy of performance and functions feagure the real aircraft. I'm off to have another go, will report back. Fully simulated Inertial Reference System.

I just did a quick Newcastle-Belfast hop to see what's what and there is a lot of new stuff going on.

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