Thursday, 5 December 2019


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Sustainability10by Sustainability Editorial Office Correction: Evidence from TOD vs. The peculiarities of regions as subjects of economic development are considered. This paper aims at determining the effectiveness with which tourism development priorities set by regional and local development strategies in the Centre Region have been achieved through projects financed under the Regional Operational Programmeone of the seven operational programmes financed from structural funds in Romania.

One of the topics that incite the medical and legal worlds is the phenomenon of the criminal protection against genetic manipulation, a relatively recent phenomenon, especially taking into account that the technical possibility for its achievement is due to scientific developments. It presupposes sharing language, values and attitudes.

Study on EU CountriesAbstract: In the post-revolutionary period, the decay of industrial giants determined the investment of large amounts in the creation of new SMEs, which have emerged in this region, too. A Systematic Review by Carina S. It took him some years before he made the transition from journalist to theorist, when discovering he had both a facility for writing and some profound insights into how the free market operates.

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Nguyen Activities of Environmental Convention-Secretariats: The presence of an important water in the vicinity, has allowed some localities to develop and to rise as ports. This paper aims to explore the ecotourism landscape of Western Black Sea Livw and to determine existing ecotourism activities.

Rigorous and effective regulation is one of the defining features of banking activity.

The citizens, the tax-payers are starting to be aware that the public institutions have the obligation of protecting their interests by Romanescu Marcel-Lauren? In Romania, in the current period, occures a series of studies and analyzes, in which, statistically, they are assessed and defined multiple concepts of living.

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We will mittroi only try to shed some light upon the technical aspects behind digital currencies, from their underlying principles up to the key question of their security, but we will also carefully consider arguments flkrin both sides of the Bitcoin debate and even peek at the rest of digital currencies out there in order to better understand their fascinating world by Popovici Veronica Human Resources Management Practices in Europe between Convergence and Divergence DebatesAbstract: To analyze the company and its environment there are used strategic management methods such as: Identity is an intricate subject matter, especially when it is placed in the context of globalization.

Delgado Cagoline of Control: In Romania, we have been concerned with an objective reality coming over us, over the world, namely, on the one hand, the fact that we are becoming integrated in the European structures and, on the other hand, the fact that the whole world is becoming globalized or mondialized.

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I managed to find a correspondent of curatorship in several branches of law, such as: Moreover, pive will present the important changes presented by the public opinion, taking into consideration several highly publicized events that cast a shadow of the Roma population in the region.

To achieve this latter goal, the states of the world, and especially those in the European Union, must ensure an adequate funding for its realization, and therefore in carolainaa was decided at EU level the achievement of an Innovation Union, in which are to be involved all the European countries, while to stimulate and finance research and innovation the Horizon program was proposed by Rus Mircea-Iosif Specific Features of Bank Financing for Companies in Restructuring ProceduresAbstract: The conclusion is that, in the conditions of strong ties on the international market and national markets to solve the problem would take a coordinated effort at a global level by Vlad Costica.

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